Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Steve is still feeling sick but he had a much better day today than yesterday.

All he really does is sleep.

Thank you for the support :)


DeRosa080208 said...

Glad to hear you're feeling a little bit better. Get your rest. We are, of course, praying for you! Take care!

Unknown said...

Sleeping is good. It's rejuvenating the body.

You're nickname is now "The Rejuvenator"

jane Rasmussen said...

Steve we miss you buddy! Come visit us in Boise when you get all done with this crap (is it ok if I say crap?). We love you!

Anonymous said...

Keep sleeping and mending. I am so glad you are able to eat again.

I have been thinking of you everyday.

One day at a time....you are getting there Steve.

Love and Hugs,
Aunt Cheryl